
28. Just take action with Dayna Faye

Embrace the nudges of your soul

In this episode, I interview my friend Dayna Faye, a multifaceted manifesting generator who combines human design readings with intuitive channeling. We discuss our friendship, our journey with human design, and how we are bringing our gifts to the world. Dayna shares her big three in astrology and her season of life, while I highlight the importance of discomfort and following your sacral nudges. We also discuss the imposter syndrome that comes with channeling and the power of connecting with your soul and essence.

In this conversation, Dayna and I discuss the importance of following one's urges and exploring different interests and passions. We share personal experiences of trying new things and how it has enriched our lives. We emphasize the need to take action and not be afraid of failure. We also discuss the challenge of integrating different aspects of our lives, such as corporate work and spiritual practices. The conversation highlights the importance of being present, connecting with others, and embracing the magic in everyday life.

Show outline:

00:00 Introduction and Background

03:12 Combining Human Design and Intuitive Channeling

07:49 Following Your Sacral Nudges

15:01 Navigating Imposter Syndrome

22:04 Connecting with Your Soul and Essence

25:27 Embracing Your Passions and Following Your Urges

29:20 Taking Action and Embracing Failure

34:09 Integrating Different Aspects of Life

41:19 Being Present and Embracing the Magic

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Keywords: human design, manifesting generator, channeling, astrology, discomfort, sacral nudges, imposter syndrome, soul, essence, following urges, exploring passions, taking action, integrating different aspects of life, being present, connecting with others, embracing magic